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   The Fann Mountains of The Great Pamir is the popular and well-known  place tourists and mountaineers, used since 1960th   up to present days.As it was the place for organization of International Mountaineering
Festivals and Competition
It is the name of a mountain massif  which forms part of the Pamir-Alay and is situated in the very heart of Central Asia, which is 200 km east  of Samarkand. This area is rich in mountain lakes and lofty peaks and has more than ten peaks with a height of over 5000 ms.
    The banks of the numerous crystal-clear lakes are overgrown with forests of relic archas-tree which can be found only here. The trunks of the ancient  archa-tree, wound into a spiral by the severe winter winds, produce an unforgettable impression by their fancy forms. Birch trees, poplars, mountain  blue bal berry, wild cherry trees and many medicinal herbs grow in the valleys. Due to it's fine climate, this area is very attractive for trekkers, hikers, climbers, lovers of outings on horseback. Rains, cloudy skies, or  strong winds are rather here. The time from June to October is the most  favorable for travels.
     As well as bright color of rivers and rocks, mysterious and beautiful Iskan-derkul lake, Yagnob river, which went through cyclone rocky obstruction mar- velous and pointed peaks: Chimtarga 5489 m, Ganza 5330 m,Chapdara 5200m. Warm and stable weather, hospitability of local people, who has preserved  who has preserved ancient tradition and way of life, all this no doubt makes Fann mountains popular among trekkers in Central Asia.
    Tajiks populating the area  with their languages, customs and aspirations,which most foreigners have no idea of, and with it's mode of life  that is tightly knit with the rules of Islam and is hardly comprehensible for them, live in an original world of their own, contacts with them stuns  travelers and, like local nature, are an unforgettable experience.
   The Alpinism-Tourism center "Artouch" situated in the very heart of Fann mountains, in the picturesque surroundings of Kuli-Kalon lakes, which are famous for having major ideal peaks for mountaineering.  
  Trekking in Fann Mountains is an unforgettable experience!

  The FANN  MOUNTAINS is the name of a mountain massif which forms part of the Pamir-Alay and is situated in the very heart of Central Asia, which lie in 200 kms east of Samarkand. 
  The Fann mountains boast more than ten peaks with a height of over 5000 meters. Beautiful Mt. Chimtarga (5487ms) is the highest peak in the area.
  The banks of the numerous crystal-clear lakes are overgrown with forests of relic archa-tree, which can be found only here. The trunks of the ancient archa tree wound into a spiral by the severe winter winds, reduce an unforgettable impression by their fancy forms. Birch trees, poplars, mountain blue barberry, wild cherry trees and many medicinal herbs grow in the valleys. 
  Due to it's fine climate, this area is very attractive for trekkers, hikers, climbers, lovers of outings on horseback, etc. Rains, cloudy skies, or strong winds  are rather  here. The time from June to September is the most favorable for travels.
   The tour company "Pamir travels" Co. ltd.  invites it's clients to get an idea of life, customs, traditions, and handicrafts of the local people. This can be mostly done on the road to visit the many mountain lakes. Tourists are attracted in Tajikistan by opportunities for alpine mountaineering,  rock   climbing,  walking, fishing, or simply relaxing among dramatic  mountains and lakes. For alpine climbing, high level  walking tours    and   Lakeland scenery  the Fansky Gory (Fann mountains) in the North West of  the country,  just a couple of hours  from both   Penjikent   and Dushanbe.  This is a favorite place for  trekking  and climbing.Tajikistan offers the best trekking and most spectacular scenery in Central Asia. In other Central Asian countries the border guards can be hostile, whereas Tajiks are naturally friendly and hospitable, so it’s easier to become friends. 


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