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The town Kalai-Kahkaha or Bunjikant, the capital of Usturushan, VII-IX centuries

It is situated not far from the center of Shahristan, Sughd region. It referes to VI-IX centuries, and was the center of feudal estate of Usturushan, of Bunjikat twon. The large palace with 20 rooms, big and small reception halls was excavated

Frescos, fragments  of carving from the castle Kahkaha

The walls of the palace halls were painted by miniature paintings: scenes of battle,  fiestas,  and legends.

In one of the wall there was painted a wolf, feeding two babies. Wood columns, beams and consoles were covered by superb carving of geometrical and flora ornaments, scene compositions, images of people, animals, birds and fantastic things. The town was strongly fortified and had good conveniences. Despite the palace of Afshines it had residential buildings for various groups of population, the temple of idols, trade squares and ground.

Excavations were held under the leadership of Academic N.N. Negmatov  (1955-1960, 1965-1972),

Findings are preserved in the National museum of Antiquity of the Republic of Tajikistan.

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