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Yamchun. Fortress, III-IBC - V-VII centuries



It is situated above the village Yamchun. It consists of the citadel (on the top square) and is defended by the wall with parapet and 9 towers. The double line of walls surrounded the pace along the slope.

The walls are made from the stone, and are fortified by the 30 towers. It served as shelter for the population during the attack of the enemy.

Researchers: O.Olufeen (1898-1899); A.A. Bobrinsky (1901); N.L Korgenevsky (1903), A.Stein (1915), A.V Stanishevsky (Niallo) (1931), B.Luknitsky (1932, 1952), A.N. Bernshtam (1947), A.D. Babaev (1960, 1962), A.N. Zelinsky (1962), M.A.Bubnova(1976)


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