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Larger than all of Western Europe, Kazakstan is a vast country of steppes and mountains rich in natural resources and natural beauty. For thousands of years it was also a natural bridge between East and West, with a northern spur of the Silk Road running through parts of southern Kazakstan. Authorities are now aggressively marketing the country's tourism attractions. These range from winter sports such as skiing and snowmobiling, to warm weather activities like hiking, fishing and hunting, or more relaxed pastimes such as visiting a health spa.

Kazakstan has many nationalities and ethnic groups, all contributing to a rich cultural melting pot. And it has been that way through the centuries. Archaeological finds from the Kazak region where the northern route of the Silk Road ran show early; trade ties with Europe, China and Persia.

Most of Kazakstan's Silk Road sites are concentrated in an easily reached area of the country well served by transport from the capital Astana.
What to See

• The Khodzha Akhmed Yassawi Mausoleum was erected in the 14th century where the poet and Sufi preacher of the same name was buried and became one of the most-visited Islamic shrines in the world. Later rebuilt by Tamarlane, the complex of palaces and temples is the among the largest in all of Central Asia.

• The Ancient City of Otrar was at its height as a trade center between Europe and China in the 10th to 12th centuries. Sacked and destroyed by the Mongols, it flourished again under Tamarlane. Remnants of the city's extensive citadels, forts, walls, gates and other large structures are still evident.

• The Tamgaly Rock Art Gallery boasts ancient pictures and drawings from the Bronze Age which depict the sun cult worship of the time. It began with sketches of animals made by nomads and later the mounted warriors, archers, falcon-hunting scenes, leading up to Buddhist images in more recent times. In all, scholars estimate the works embrace 20 centuries of human culture.
• The Ancient City of Taraz is more than 2, 000 years old and over the centuries grew into a vital commercial center where gold, silver, bronze, silk, leather and other goods were traded. Excavations have shown Taraz' citizens enjoyed cobbled streets, plumbing systems and other luxuries. Nearby are located two UNESCO-protected ancient mausoleums.
• The Gold Man, now at the national museum in Almaty, was a young Saka prince discovered at the Issyk burial mound not far from the Kazak capital of Almaty in a grave untouched by looters. Dating from the 4th century BC, the tomb contained over 4, 000 finely wrought golden relics, including a dagger depicting 21 animals.

How to Get There
Almaty has an international airport with flights to and from Frankfurt, Moscow, Tashkent, Bishkek, Samarkand, Urumqi and Istanbul Shimkent, located in the south CENTRAL region near many Silk Road sites, has flights to Moscow, and some of the capitals of the former Soviet republics Otrar and the Khodzha Akhmed Yassawi Mausoleum are best reached from Shimkent Taraz has an airport served by domestic flights Tamgaly and the Gold Man are in or near Almaty There are rail and bus services to all the sites.

Where to Stay
There are two five-star hotels in Almaty with a total of 583 rooms and one four-star hotel with 200 rooms There are four three star hotels totalling 1030 rooms There are 23 unrated hotels with a total of 5, 380 rooms There are no hotels on the site at Otrar which is best visited from Shimkent, which has one three star hotel of 18 rooms and at least one unrated hotel with 285 rooms In Taraz there is an unrated hotel for foreign guests of 40 rooms At the Khodzha Akhmed Yassawi Mausoleum site there is an unrated hotel with 80 beds
Other Important Sites
• Betashir Burial Mounds Complex contains tombs dating from the 5th to 4th century BC
• The Ancient Settlement of Isfidzhab-Sairam is an old city in southern Kazakstan.
• Charyn River Canyons are the country's premier natural beauty spot
• Relict Ashen Grove is another must-see nature spot.

The Republic of KAZAKHSTAN
ccupying over 2. 717, 300 sq. km, is the ninth largest country in the World as to the territory. Kazakhstan lies in the very center of the EURASIAN continent. This location predetermined historically its great geopolitical importence on the major transasian lines of communication between the East and the West. Kazakhstan borders on Russia, Kyrghyztan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, China.
Kazakhstan covering vast territory is notable for the extremely diverse relief: from high snowy mountains to steppes, semi-desert and desert. The lowest place in the World, situated in the West is 300 m. below the see level, one of the highest peaks of the world Khan-Tengry, located in the South-East is 6992 m. and Pobeda 7439 m. above the see level.

Climat of Kazakhstan is sharp continental.
Flora and fauna
Kazakhstan enjoys over 5000 species of plants & over 600 species of animals & berds (Brown bear. Pink flamingo, Snow Leopard, Steppe antelope-saigak, ets. ).
Kazakhstan is a multinational state. There are over 16. 5 million inhabitans in Kazakhstan today. Kazakhs make 45%, Russia - 35%, other nationalities (over 100) -20%.
Kazakh, the official landuage of the country, belongs to the TURK group. Russan remains the language of the interethnic communication.
Multinationality of the state determines a divirsity of religions. The main ones are Islam & Christianity.
The city of ASTANA with the population of 273 thousands is the capital of Kazakhstan since 1996.

This tour offers you an axcellent chance to get acquainted with the rich history about of Kazakhstan, Kyrghyztan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan with hospitable people of the land, their customs, folklore and every-day life. It allows you to see distant part of the Republics in a short period of time.

Almaty - Issik-Kul lake - Bishkek -Djambul - Tashkent -Turkestan - Samarkand (Penjikent) - Bukhara - Khiva (Urgench) -Tashauz -Ashgabad.
Day 1 Arrival to Almaty. accommodation.
Day 2 City tour. Visit to Museums - Folk Music instruments, Kazakh Museum, Museum of Gold, Cathedral, Medeo Skating-Resort.
Day 3 Transfer by bus Almaty to Issik-Kul lake (400 km. 7 hours). Accommo - dation in sanotorium. Rest.
Day 4 Breakfast. Horsebacks ridings, excursion to the petrogliphs.
Day 5 Transfer Issik-Kul to Bishkek (280 km. 5 hours). On the way visit to the Burana Tower in Tokmak. Accommodation at the hotel.
Day 6 Breakfast. Full day in Bishkek. Sightseeing. Visit to the Kyrghyz National Park(30 km. ). Museums.
Day 7 Transfer Bishkek to Tashkent (560km. 8 hours). Accommodation.
Day 8 Breakfast. Full day in Tashkent. Sightseeing.
Day 9 Transfer by bus from Tshkent to Samarkand (300 km. 5 hours).
Day 10 Breakfast. Sightseeing on the city museums.
Day 11 Transfer Samarkand to Penjikent (60 km. 1. 5 Hours). excursion on ancient town. Lunch. Back to Samarkand. Night at the hotel.
Day 12 Transfer to Shakhrisabz (160km. ) Sightseeing. Back to Samarkand. Hotel.
Day 13 Transfer to Bukhara (280 km. 5 hours). Accommodation.
Day 14 Breakfast. Full day in Bukhara. Sightseeing.
Day 15 Breakfast. Bukhara sightseeing.
Day 16 Transfer. Bukhara to Urgench (Khiva) 500 km. 7 hours. Accommodation.
Day 17 Breakfast. transfer to Khiva. Sightseeing.
Day 18 Transfer. Urgench - Tashauz (Turkmenistan) 72km. 1. 5 hours. Flight Tashauz to Ashgabad. Accommodation.
Day 19 Breakfast, excursion to the desert.
Day 20 Breakfast. transfer to ancient town"Nisa". Sightseeing. Back in hotel.
Day 21 Departure from Ashgabad.
Days 21
Season April - October
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..

The price includes: all transfers, meeting and see off on the Kazakh/Kyrghyz/Uzbek borders, accommodation in hotels, meals, excort guide, English-speaking inter-preter, transfers by bus, local guide, entrance fee to Museums.
Not included: Visa to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrghyzstan, visa supports..
From Almaty to Charyn canyon
Charyn canyon is situated 200 km to the East from Almata in the middle stream of Charin river, it is the tributary of Lil river. Charyn Canyon is called younger brother of American Grand Canyon. The unique nature object by its grand can be compared only with Colorado river in the USA. On the way interesting stop at Moslem cemetery. Lunch at the bank of Charin river. Back to Almaty.

Season April - October
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..

The price includes: all transfers, meeting and see off on the Kazakh/Kyrghyz/Uzbek borders, accommodation in hotels, meals, excort guide, English-speaking inter-preter, transfers by bus, local guide, entrance fee to Museums.
Not included: Visa to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrghyzstan, visa supports..
From Uzbekistan to Kirgizstan and Kazakhstan
Day 1 Transfer from Tashkent to Bishkek takes 9-10 hrs (600 km), it goes via big cities - Chimkent and Djambul. The most part of the way goes along the territory of Kazakstan. Closer to Bishkek grandiose mountains of Kirziskiy range appear with the summits covered by snow. Lunch on the way.
Day 2 SS in Bishkek visit of historical-architectural complex Buran’s Tower, situated 70 km from Bishkek; house-museum of Frunzer, historical museum, the museum of Arts, Ala-Too and Pobeda (Victory) Squares, Dubovoi and Panfilova Parks, bazaar.
Day 3 Transfer from Bishkek to Almata takes 4 hours (270 km). The road goes along Zaaminskiy Alatau range. Upon arrival in Almata checking in the hotel. SS, including visit park of 28 Panfilovtsev, wooden cathedral, St Nikolai church, museum of musical instruments.
Day 4 Visit high-mountainous skating rink Medeo and landslide-protective dam, situated in the mountains of Zailiiskiy Alatau at the altitude of 1690 m. Light walk and picnic. P. M. free time.
Day 5 Depart home.
Days 5
Season July - September

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..

The price includes: In this prices includes: visa supports, all transfers, accommodation in hotels and guest house, base camp, add transfers only for excursions in the cities and in towns, meals 3 times a day, escort guide, mountain guide, guide interpreter, porters (12kg cargo p/pers), rent of necessary equipment dishes, folding tables, chairs, toilet tent, dinning tent, cooks, kitchen equipment with gas, foods.
Not included: Not includes: Visas in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgiziya, license for Mountain in Tajikistan -50 $ per/per and ecological fees 1 $ per/per/day. and border zone to Pamir - 50 $ per/per.

HELICOPTER excursion
Helicopter excursion is also available to Charinskiy canyon with the flight of the whole canyon and landing for lunch-picnic. Time of the flight is 3 hours.
Season April - October
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..

The price includes: transfers to airport and back, meals, excort guide, English-speaking inter-preter, transfers by bus, entrance fee to Museums, Air SS.
Not included: Visa to Kazakhstan, visa support, the pay of helicopter - 1 hours costs 900 $ USD
Not included: Visa to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrghyzstan, visa supports..

This track is interesting as it allows to be in different, completely unlike to each other regions, belonged to two gigantic mountainous systems - Tien -Shan and Pamiro-Alai.
The first part of the trecking is in picturesque part of West Tien-Shan, region of famous Sarichelek, where you can admire unique and a little bit mysterious beauty of Chatkal valley, fairy canyon Southern Aflatun, most beautiful lakes Sarichlek and Karakamish, and also immense fir forests Uaylma and unimaginable variety of rich flora and fauna.
The second part is in the land of lakes and clouded peaks and interesting legends - Fan mountains. Picturesque valleys of Zindan and Archimaidan, beauty of Bolshoi Allo lake, squeezed in the grips of vertical rocks, unique chain of Kulikalonskiy and Alaudinskiy lakes, fairy beautiful and attracting Chimtarga and Mirali Peaks, Bolshaiy and Malaiy Ganza, Chandara and Bodhona will not let you be indifferent. During intervals between treckings you will visit such pearls of Orient as Bukhara and Samarkand with their architectural monuments, culture and history, and colourful oriental bazaars.

Day 1 Arrival to Tashkent. Hotel.
Day 2 Transfer by bus on the territory of Kazakhstan to Karabura pass (7 hrs). Camping in the mountainous canyon.
Day 3 Passage over pass (3250 m) to river Chatkal's valley (4 hrs). Lunch in a birch grove. Start of trecking. On the suspension bridge passage to another side of Chatkal river. Passage on the immense Chatkal valley. The most beautiful panorama of Chatkal range with its highest point - Chatkal Peak (4503 m).
Day 4 Passage on Aflautunskiy canyon (6-7 hrs). On the way you can admire two small, but very picturesque lakes. One of them is squeezed by long rock walls in the center of canyon, the other is located in the upper valley of Aflatun river.
Day 5 Passage over Ashuu-Tor pass (3360 m, 7 hrs). Descent to the valley of Aflautun Southern river, then to Uyzlma river's valley. On the way acquaintance with the customs and traditions of Kirgiz chabans.
Day 6 Passage over Uyalma pass (2550 m) and Kuldambes (2750 m, 7 hrs). Fairy, virgin nature, fir forests, variety of animals and rich flora and fauna. Beautiful panoramas for taking pictures. Camping at the bank of Sarichelek. Swimming.
Day 7 Passage over Makmal pass (2654 m, 6 hrs). On the way wonderful view of the whole Sarichelek lake is revealed. Descent to Karasu river's valley.
Day 8 Passage along Karasu river's valley to Kizil-kel village (6 hrs). On the way stop at Karakamish lake. Visit national Kirgiz urts, acquain - tance with the customs, tasting. Swimming. Visit beautiful water-fall.
Day 9 Transfer through Ferghana valley along Great Silk Road to Margilan (180 km, 6 hrs). Visit oriental bazaar in Margilan. Departure by night train to Bukhara (12 hrs. )
Day 10 Arrival in Bukhara. City tour.
Day 11 City tour. P. M. transfer to Samarkand.
Day 12 City tour till lunch, then transfer Samarkand-alp camp 2200m. (110 km, 5 hrs). Preparation for trecking. Night to base.
Day 13 After Breakfast passage to Kulikaloskie lakes (3 hrs). Scattering of turquoise lakes surrounded unique Kulikaloskaya wall, juniper groves, beautiful peaks-Mirali and Maria. Camping at the shore of Dushoha lake.
Day 14 Passage over Alaudinskiy Pass (3700 m) with the lakes of the same name (5 hrs). From the pass splendid chain of the lakes of different colours beginning from lilac to turquoise contrasted with severe walls of Chandara is revealed.
Day 15 Passage to Mutnoi Lake (4-5 hrs). View of the most beautiful peaks Kaznok, Chimtarga, Energy, Zamok (Castle). Camping at the shore of the lake. By wish acclimatizing radial exit to Kaznok pass (4000 m).
Day 16 Ascent till Chimtarga pass (6-7 hrs). One of the most difficult days of trecking, rewarded by unforgettable views of Zerafhsanskiy and Gissarsky ranges. Camping at the altitude of 4500 m.
Day 17 Exit to Chimtarga pass (4700 m) and descent to Bolshoe Allo (7 hrs). Canyon along which descent to Aosib lake passes is called Zindan, that means or, because of its inaccessible rock walls. Camping at the shore of the lake.
Day 18 Day of rest. Swimming. Radial exit to Upper Lake lake - 5 hrs. On the way view of picturesque water-fall.
Day 19 Descent to Archimaidan river's valley (5-6 hrs). Passage over three gigantic blocks. View of Lower Allo, tasting of yougurt and delicious tea at Tajik chaban's house. Camping. Farewell bonfire.
Day 20 Transfer to Tashkent (400 km, 7 hrs). Lunch in Samarkand. Hotel. Rest.
Day 21 Depart home.
Days 21
Season July - October
Min. group of 6-16 per
The price tour is: EURO/pax
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 >20
1450 1325 1195 1075 1010 995 955
Old price
1525 1340 1215 1085 945 860 980

The price includes: all transfers, accommodation in hotels, guest houses, in mountain in the tent and guest house, escort guied, mountain guide, interpretor, cooks, sherpa and donkey with Donkey mens, we take in mountain from each tourist 12 kg lagguege, SS, enteries fees, foods, meals 3 time a day.
Not includes: visa – Uzbekistan, Tajikistan – 60 EURO per/per;
Visa support – 30 EURO per/per, mountain permites in Tajikistan – 50 EURO per/per, ecological fees – 1 EURO per/per/day.

Almaty - Naryn - Torugard
This tour offers you an axcellent chance to get acquainted with the rich history about of Kazakhstan, Kyrghyztan, with hospitable people of the land, their customs, folklore and every-day life.

Almaty - Issik-Kul lake - Naryn - Torugard (Kyrghyz-Chine border).
Day 1 Arrival to Almaty. accommodation.
Day 2 City tour. Visit to Museums - Folk Music instruments, Kazakh Museum, Museum of Gold, Cathedral, Medeo Skating-Resort.
Day 3 Transfer by bus Almaty to Issik-Kul lake (400 km. 7 hours). Accommo - dation in sanotorium or private guest house. Rest.
Day 4 Breakfast. Horsebacks ridings, excursion to the petrogliphs.
Day 5 Transfer Issik-Kul to Naryn (80 km. 2 hours). Lunch on the way. Accommodation at the hotel.
Day 6 Transfer. Naryn to Torugard (200 km. ). Kyrghyz - Chine border
Days 6
Season April - October
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..

The price includes: all transfers, meeting and see off on the Kazakh/Kyrghyz/Uzbek borders, accommodation in hotels, meals, excort guide, English-speaking inter-preter, transfers by bus, local guide, entrance fee to Museums.
Not included: Visa to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrghyzstan, visa supports..

Around Sayram peak
One of the most beautiful place in the West Tien-Shan - mountain massif Ugamskiy range of the Sayram peak (4238m). It situated 180 km on the North -East from Tashkent city. This area looks different than others landscapes of Tien-Shan (51m), the nature concentrated all beauty of mountain relief, tourists can see here: thickets of juniper and birch forest, wonderful alpine meadows, unusual nice lakes and cascades, four thousand's snowing peaks, icefalls and glaciers. Itinerary goes on the territory of two republics - Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Day 1 Arrival in Tashkent. transfer to Kazakhstan in the valley of Sayram river. Night in the"Sayram" camp. Nice panorama of Sayram's mountain massif. 170km. 5 hrs, H=1700 m.
Day 2 Passage along Sazan-Ata river to Silbili high-mountain lake's valley. Nice landscape alpine meadows. Camp under the"Sayram" peak L=8km, T=5h. H=2900m.
Day 3 Ascent on the Sayram pass (3790m). Impressive panorama from high top of pass. Return to the camp.
Day 4 Passage on the upper of Sayram river in the nice birch forest"Kirgila" L=10km. T=5h. Camp. H=2000m.
Day 5 One day of excursion to the Blue lakes.
Day 6 Strenuous day. Passage under the Semi pass. Camp on the moraine of glacier. L=6km. T=6h. H=3200m.
Day 7 Crossing Semi pass (3620m). Descent to the alpine meadows of Anaulgen river. L=10km. T=6h. H=2500m.
Day 8 Descent along Anaulgen river to the valley of Pskem river. L=12km. T=5h. H=1500m.
Day 9 transfer to Tashkent. During way stop-station of Charvak water-reserve. Swimming. Arrival to Tashkent be evening. Accommodation in the Hotel.
Day 10 transfer to the airport. Departure from Tashkent.
Days 10
Season June - Oktober
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
The price includes: visa supports
Not included: visa Uzbekisatn, Kazakhstan,

This tour offers you an axcellent chance to get acquainted with the rich history of Kazakhstan, Kyrghyztan, Uzbekistan with hospitable people of the land, their customs, folklore and every-day life. It allows you to see distant part of the Republic in a short period of time.

Almaty - Tamgaly - Bishkek - Turkestan - Chimkent - Tashkent.
Day 1 Arrival to Almaty. accommodation.
Day 2 City tour. Visit to Museums - Folk Music instruments, Kazakh Museum, Museum of Gold, Cathedral, Medeo Skating-Resort.
Day 3 Transfer by bus Almaty to Bishkek (250 km. ). On the way - visit to the Rock Art Gallery Tamgaly (150). Hotel. Overnight.
Day 4 Visit to the Kyrghyz National Park (30 km. ). Picnic. TRIP to the historical complex of the BURANA TAWER (XIc. ). Arrival in Bishkek. Overnight in the hotel.
Day 5 By air from Bishkek to the city of Turkestan. Tour in the historical complex of the Hoja Akhmad Yassawi Mausoleum (XIV c. ). Overnight.
Day 6 Transfer by bus from Turkestan to Tashkent. On the way visit to the Mausoleum of Arsian Bab (spiritual teacher of Yassawi). Also continue TRIPs to the ruins of Otrar, the ancient city of the Great Silk Road. Lunch in Chimkent. transfer to Tashkent. Overnight in the hotel.
Day 7 Breakfast. excursion in the city museum.
Day 8 Departure from Tashkent.
Days 8
Season April - October
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..

The price includes: all transfers, meeting and see off on the Kazakh/Kyrghyz/Uzbek borders, accommodation in hotels, meals, excort guide, English-speaking inter-preter, transfers by bus, local guide, entrance fee to Museums.
Not included: Visa to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrghyzstan, visa supports..

From Almaty to Tamgaly
Transfer to Tamgaly (200 km. ). Rock Art Gallery is unique cultural monument, which embraces several historic periods, probably of over 20 centuries. Begining from the Bronze age over a thousand petrogliphs were discovered here. Lunch. Back to Almaty.

Season April - October
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
The price includes: all transfers, meeting and see off on the Kazakh/Kyrghyz/Uzbek borders, accommodation in hotels, meals, excort guide, English-speaking inter-preter, transfers by bus, local guide, entrance fee to Museums.
Not included: Visa to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrghyzstan, visa supports..

Helicopter excursion is also available to Charinskiy canyon with the flight of the whole canyon and landing for lunch-picnic. Time of the flight is 3 hours.

Almaty - Charyn Canyon-Zalanash-Kolsai 1/2-Kolsai 3 - Chogansai - Almaty.
Day 1 Arrival to Almaty. accommodation.
Day 2 City tour. Visit to Museums - Folk Music instruments, Kazakh Museum, Museum of Gold, Cathedral, Medeo Skating-Resort.
Day 3 Transfer to the Charyn-Canyon (200km), walk to the Canyon, lunch. transfer to Zalanash (70 km). Overnight.
Day 4 Transfer to Kolsai 1 lake, (H 1700m, 45km. ) trecking to Kolsai 2 lake (H 2200m, 9km. 4 hous)
Day 5 trecking to Kolsai 3 lake (H 2650m, 6km, 3 hous) back to Kolsai 2, Lunch, afternoon descending to Kolsai 1 lake. Camp. Overnaight.
Day 6 Transfer to Chogansai, trecking to the peak Bezimyany (6km, 3hous) back to camp. Overnight.
Day 7 Transfer to Almaty (400 km).
Day 8 Departure from Almaty.
Days 8
Season July - September
The price includes: visa support, accommodation, meals, guide, English-speaking inter-preter, transfers, portage, entrance fee.
Not included: Visa to Kazakhstan.

One day TRIP to Turkestan
Turkestan is situated on the territory of Kazakhstan 270 km to the North - West from Tashkent. It was founded as Shavgar in the 10th century, became an important religious center under the Karakhanid Turks in the 11th and from the 16th to the 18th centuries was the center of the Kazakh Khanate. Khodja Ahmed Yasavi was a famous sufi poet and teacher who lived in Turkestan and died here in 1145. On the place of this burial Tamerlane order to build a mausoleum. Nowadays, the burial place is considered to be the spot of pilgrimage of Moslem people, one of the most important religious-cultural centers of Central Asia.

Season April - October
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
The price includes: all transfers, meeting and see off on the Kazakh/Kyrghyz/Uzbek borders, accommodation in hotels, meals, excort guide, English-speaking inter-preter, transfers by bus, local guide, entrance fee to Museums.
Not included: Visa to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrghyzstan, visa supports..

Tajikistan map
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
trekking in Fann mountain
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
National meal
1 2 3
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