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The fabled mosques and madrases of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva with their marvelous design and colorful tile work are Just some of the sites in Uzbekistan linked to the Silk Road. This country also gave the world Tamarlane, one of the most legendary of the great Central Asian warriors. Other notables from history who knew Uzbekistan well were Marco Polo and Alexander the Great, whose armies smashed through the region on their way to India. As a hub of trade and cultural exchanges, Uzbekistan saw travellers from Europe, Arabia, Persia, China, India, the Caucasus and Mongolia pass through. The fame of Uzbek cities spread far and wide until even today their names are synonymous with the exotic and wonderful.
For many centuries, the rulers of what is today Uzbekistan were a power to be reckoned with along the Silk Road.
From Samarkand, Tamarlane sallied forth to conquer much of the Eurasian continent and bring back to his capital the most gifted architects, masons and other craftsmen to add to the city's grandeur.

What to See
Samarkand, the ancient city of Afrasiab and already an important settlement in the 1st Millennium, was one of the jewels of the Silk Road. It was also the home ofTamarlane whose mausoleum is a major attraction, as is the famous Registan Square, the Bibi Khanum Mosque and the Shah-i-Zinda mausoleum complex. Some 15 km outside of town is the Imam AI-Bulahari Mausoleum, a shrine for the entire Muslim world.
Bukhara was once known as"the divine" because of the number of religious schools and mosques there. Besides being a main trading center, it was a pilgrimage site Muslim visiting Imam Bakhouddin Naqshbansdin's mausoleum. Its main attractions include the Ark, where the emirs lived, the UNESCO-protected Kalyan Minaret and a number of restored madrases in the old downtown section.
Khiva was an oasis town on the northern Silk Road spur on the way to Russia and became known for its artisans. The entire city has been remarkably preserved and declared a national reserve. It is like an open-air museum and perhaps the finest existing example of an old Silk Road city in Central Asia.
Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, has been a settlement of some kind or another since the 1st century BC and was largely rebuilt following a devastating earthquake in 1966. Attractions include many excellent museums, a number of mosques and madrases, and the Zangi-ata mausoleum complex.

How to Get There
Tashkent boasts one of Central Asia s busiest air ports which has flights to many European, Middle Eastern and Asian capitals, as well as cities throughout the former Soviet Union and Uzbekistan Samarkand and Bokhara also have interna tional airports as does Urgench which is near Khiva All of Uzbekistan's primary Silk Road sites are served by rail or motor transport as are the secon dary sites.

Where to Stay
Tashkent has one five star hotel with 120 rooms three four star hotels with 885 rooms and two three-star hotels with 564 rooms Most of these have conference facilities There is one four star hotel with 278 rooms in Samarkand and one three star hotel In Bukhara there is one four star hotel with 228 rooms and one three star hotel with 183 rooms In Urgench, serving Khiva, there two three star hotels with a total of 341 rooms New hotels are under cons truction in all of the above-mentioned cities with a total capacity of 1, 000 rooms.

Other Important Sites
Urgench is the gateway city for those visiting Khiva
Shahnsabz was the birth place and home town of the great Tamarlane
The Fergana Valley is a fertile area filled with orchards, where the Silk Road passes through to Kyrgyzstan
Kokand is the ancient capital of the local rulers known as the Khans of Kokand
Margilan is an Uzbek city with a famous silk factory still operating today Other Facilities

The respublic of UZBEKISTAN occupyng over 447. 400 km2, is the second largest country in the Central Asia as to the territory. Uzbekistan lies in the very center of the Central Asia.

This location
predetermined historically its great geopolitical importence on the major transasian lines of communication between the East and the West. Uzbekistan border on Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghyzstan, Afganistan.

UZBEKISTAN covering vast territory is notable for the extremaly diverse relief: from snowy mountans to steppes, semidesert and desert.

Climate of Uzbekistan is sharp continental.

Uzbekistan is a multinational state. There are over 22. 5 million inhabitans today. Uzbek make 65%, Russia - 25%, other nationalities (over 70) - 15%.

Uzbek, the official landuage of the country, belongs to the TURK group. Russan remains the language of the interethnic communication.

Day 1 Transfer from Bukhara to a small city Nurata, situated in Kizikl-Kum desert takes about 3 hours (150 km). After small SS to a local mosque and ruins of ancient fortress, lunch in a national house. Then transfer to nomadic village - Yangikazgan. Overnight in yurt.
Day 2 Camel riding, transfer to Aidarkul Lake - 30 km (car with a group). The unique combination of desert and huge lake with original vegetation and animals. Lunch from fresh fish at the bank of the lake. Rest, swimming. After lunch transfer to Samarkand (200 km). This itinerary is also possible in return direction.

Days 2
Season July - September

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includes: visa support.
Not included: visa Uzbekistan, Kyrghyztan, license for ascent.


The Republic of Uzbekistan lies in the heart of Asia, in the territory known since ancient times as Bactria, Maverannahr, and later on as Turkestan. The most powerful Kushan Empire and the Kingdom of Seleucids, the Parthian Kingdom and the Kingdom of Khorazm, the states of Samanids and Amir Temur (Tamerlane), the Bukhara Emirate and Qoqan Khanate once flourished in this region. Many centuries ago, the civilization that existed here gave life to many famous scientists, philosophers, poets and doctors, many of whose output is still used by many intellectuals around the world. The cities of Samarkand and Bukhara served as major centers of trade and enlightenment on the crossroads of the Great Silk Road linking the civilizations of the East and the West.
Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, has been given a new, but unofficial name in modern history – the Star of the East. It has been taken from the song with the same name and bears an amazing resemblance with the appearance and spirit of the town, a symbolic depiction of the life of its citizens and its guests who pass through.
Tashkent is home to more than 100 nationalities amounting to 2, 2 million people.

Places of interest. There is a series of special sight-seeing tours where guests can see and experience the harmonic combination of modern architecture with historical monuments.
Kukeldash madrassah built in the 16th century, the Kafalla Shoshiy mausoleum also from the 16th century, the Muyi Mubarak and Barokkhan madrassahs, the Tillya-Shah mosque and the Shaikh Zainiddin Bobo (13th – 14th century).
The variety of museums such as the museum of the history of the Temurides, the museum of applied arts provides a rich cultural and historic legacy.

Samarkand, since ancient times, was a major centre in Central Asia, connecting East and West, North and South, Serving as one of the major centres on the Greate Silk Road.
“Everything that I have heard about the beauty of Samarkand is correct but actually it is even more beautiful than I imagined”. These words are ascribed to Alexander the Great who stopped in Samarkand during his Indian march.
Amir Temur, the conqueror of Central Asia, chose Samarkand as the capital of his huge empire. There he collected fabulous treasures and brought architects from all the COUNTRIES he conquered. In those times magnificent palaces, mausoleums, mosques and madrassahs were built. Every stone in Samarkand seems to breathe legend.

Places of interest Among the buildings of Temur’s reign is the majestic Gur-Amir mausoleum and Shahi Zinda group of mausoleums. The centre of Samarkand is an original square – the Registan (15th century) which means “sandy spot”. It is a large flagstone square surrounded with minarets and madrassehs. One of it (minaret of Ulugbek, Amir Temur’s grandson) had stood inclined like the tower of Pisa for several centuries and could collapse at any moment. The Ulugbek museum was built near the unique observatory with gigantic sextant where Ulugbek, famous astronomer and mathematician, carried out his observations. The mosque of Bibi-Khanym is considered all but the grandest structure of the times of the Temurides in Samarkand.

Bukhara.Not much time has passed since Bukhara celebrated its 2500th anniversary. “Blessed”, “Holy”, “Heavenly”– these are but a few epithets which extolled Bukhara where culture, science and art have flourished throughout centuries. It is the only town in Central Asia where the flavor of the East has been preserved intact; it is a town-museum with about 140 architectural monuments dating back to the Middle Ages. The most ancient masterpieces were constructed in the 9th and 10th centuries.

Places of interest. The mausoleum of Ismail Samani (the Samanid Dynasty’s founder) is a masterpiece of classical Eastern architecture.
The Poi-Kalan architectural ensemble (12 – 16th centuries) adorns the centre of the old Bukhara. Its 50 metre-tall minaret, decorated with unique patterns, towers over the town in all its grandeur and splendour.
Light-blue cupolas of the Chor-Minor madrassah and the Ark Citadel can be seen from afar. The ancient structures preserved in Central Asia from 15th century to this day are the Ulugbek and Kukeldash madrassahs, while the crooked streets in the outskirts of the town have retained the exotic colour of the olden times.

Khiva has preserved much of its old appearance: narrow streets, mud walls, covered bazzars, ancient graveyards in the middle of the town. Archeological finds show that Khiva existed as far back as the 6-8th centuries. It was the capital of the Khiva Khanate in the 16th century.

Places of interest. The Shirgazikhan madrassah, dark with time, stands in one of the narrow streets. Adjacent to it is the Khan’s mausoleum. A marble plate bears the inscription in Arabic: “Cry at the hand of the slave”. Legend says that the Khan wanted the madrassah to be built as quickly as possible. He promised the slaves freedom as soon as it was finished. But when the madrassah was completed he went back on his word and did not free a single one of the 1, 500 slaves. The deceived men tore the Khan to pieces.
Opposite the madrassah there is the mausoleum of Pahlavan Mahmud. It is a masterpiece of Khivan architecture.
The 220-foot Kuk-Minor (Green Minaret) is decorated in peculiar, intricate design.

Tashkent.. one of the largest ancient cities in Central Asia is the capital of Uzbekistan. Tashkent was also known as Chach during the ancient time. Chach was famous for exporting gold, precious stones, fruits and beautiful horses to other cities and states. With all the ongoings Chach was at the crossroads of international trade, center of a farming oasis and a city of crafts.
Tashkent has a population of more than 2 million. Tashkent in Uzbek means"the Stone Settlement" and is also known as a city of striking contrasts. Today Tashkent is one of the largest industrial centres in Central Asia that manufactures and repairs modrn aircrafts. Besides being industrialized, Tashkent is also the centre for agriculture and textile industries. The Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan was established here. Other such scientific centres introduced at that time were the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Institute of Electronics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Mechanics and Seismology. Tashkent has nearly 20 museums and the Uzbek An Museum has one of the largest collection of sculptures, paintings and handicrafts in Central Asia. Another Uzbek Museum of Applied Arts displays 30, 000 exhibits of handicrafts, embroidery, traditional jewellery, etc.
The most interesting part of Tashkent is an old town near Iski-juva Bazaar, the largest market place which sells from cooked food to clothing The entrance of the bazaar is the Khast-Imam Complex which loo! like a scene from the Arabian Nights' Its centerpiece is the Barakhan Madrasah, a magnificient monument of the 16th century The Al-Bukhan Islamic Institute which trains Moslem clergy for the former republics of the Soviet Union is also located in this complex The influence of the Islam religion is apparent at the People's Friendship Square Recently, the 100-year old Abdul Kasym Madrasah was restored and reshaped to commemorate the city's 2, 000th anniversary.
After the devastating earthquake in 1966, the new Tashkent emerged with beautiful parks, and squares that were decorated with fountains Even some of the ancient and well-known architecture from the Middle Ages like the Unus-Khona mausoleum, the Kukeldash madrasah and the Borakhona madrasah are still standing in Tashkent. Tashkent is now considered to be one of the most beautiful city with plenty of greenery and water. There are two underground railways which connect the eastern, western and south-western part of the city. Tourists are usually taken to Tashkent Metro and are quick to express their admiration for the fabulous decorations. Marble, granite, gabbro, labradonite and ceramic create a unique picture with a touch of elegance. The Tashkent Metro is truly amazing and is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world. Today, modem technology and telecommunication have turned Tashkent into a busy gate-way to other parts of Uzbekistan as well as to other parts of the world.
Tashkent is the capital of friendship and many international conferences, cinema-festivals, symposiums have taken place in this capital city of Uzbekistan. A charming mixture of old and new, Tashkent comes highly recommended as a place for relaxation and holiday.

Many people can't realise that Samarkand is the second largest city of Uzbekistan and is of the same age as the city of Babylon or Rome. History of Samarkand is about 2, 500 years old and has witnessed a lot of upheavels during the times of Great Alexander (Makedonsky), the Arabic Conquest, Genghis-Khan Conquest and lastly Tamerlane's.

Hence, Samarkand's culture was developed and mixed together with the Iranian, Indian, Mongolian and a bit of the Western and Eastern cultures.
The CENTRAL square of ancient Samarkand-Reghistan, is surrounded on three sides with the magnificient buildings of Ulugbek, Shir-Dor and the Tilly-Akhari madrasahs. Reghistan is where all the radial streets meet and it is here that ruler's decrees were proclaimed, where justice was done and trading in full swing. It was during Tamerlane's rule that Samarkand achieved an unprecented growth. Samarkand is also well-known for some of its brilliant great scientists, writers and painters like Rudaki, Babur, Jami, Avicenna, Navoi, Ulugbek, Mukimi, Furkat.

Excavation of the ancient monuments buried under the ground have helped to revive the ancient township and restore the architectural monument to its former grandeur with its high quality ceramic arts and harmony of arches with blue cupolas.
The jade gravestone of the great ruler Tamerlane lies in the Gur-Emir Mausoleum of the Timunds where its huge tiled cupola can be seen from all parts of the town.
Samarkand is a city full of legends. Even the streets, ravines, and water reservoirs have its own tale. The medieval Samarkand is beautifully surrounded by mountains from all sides and its impressive perfect forms and harmony of colours.
Visitors also enjoy the world-renown Oriental Bazaars which are colourful and rich with gifts of all kinds. These exotic bazaars are the ones that preserve the spirit of the East.
The Samarkand today is more industrial, scientific and cultural center of Uzbekistan. As the city becomes more picturesque with the restoration works, all tourists would be able to relieve its glorious past and fascinating present.

In Sanskrit word, Bukhara signifies"monastery" and this city was once a large commercial centre on the Great Silk Road. Bukhara was already considered an important cultural and trade centre, which in fact determined the dramatism of the city's historical fate.
Bukhara with more than 140 architectural monuments is a"town museum" dating back to the Middle Ages. 2, 300 years later, ensembles like the Poi-Kalian, Kos Madras, Ismail Samani Mausoleum and the Kalian Minaret are attracting a lot of attention.
For instance, the Ismail Samani mausoleum is the oldest monument in Bukhara. It was built by Ismail Samani, one of the ruler of the Samanid dynasty. The grey building mausoleum is made of bake bricks ornamentally were laid, so the ornamentation is never the same when light shines upon it.
Tourists will be delighted to know that the Fortress Ark citadel used to house the residence of the emir and is now a museum. Opposite the Ark stands the Bolo-khaus complex of the twentieth century which has survived to this day.
The history of Bukhara is more astonishing than the rest of the cities. The Bukhara oasis of Soghdiana was once conquered by the Great Alexander and Bukhara was also once ruled by the Kushan Empire and later a part of the Eftalist Rein, too. But when Samanids got hold of Bukhara, they created a large feudal state and Bukhara was made the capital.

The 1 Oth century sees Bukhara more of a scientific and cultural centre Famous poets like Narashashi, Rudaki and Dakiki and scientist Avicenna were well known in Bukhara as they played important roles in the development of the country.

The end of the 10th century saw Bukhara under the Karahanids Reign Monuments like the Magoki-Attani, Namaz-doh mosque and Chashma-Ajub were witnesses to this particular period From 1318-1389, Bukhara had a great religious leader by the name of Sheikh Bahautdin Nakshbandi His kind of faith, Nakshbandism became one of the kind of suphism Suphism at that time was spreading round the Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, India, the Eastern Turkestan and Caucasus area By the 15th century, Bukhara was part of the Sheibanids State It was becoming more important and many Moslem monuments like the madrasahs, hanakis and mosques were created at that time and played significant role in spreading the Moslem religion The Madrasah Mm-Arab (1536) was built in this era.

The Sitorai-Machi-Khosa palace was the country residence of the last emir. The 20th century saw a new modem city built close to the ancient one. The new city has wide prospects, green parks, fountains, hotels and colourful Eastern bazaars. There were many bazaars in ancient Bukhara, and one of them, Lyabi-Khauz bazaar (16-17 century) has been preserved up to this day. Tourists are often attracted to the articles made with golden embroidery, silk clothes and chasing sold at the Bazaar.
Today, Bukhara is a more industrialized city in Uzbekistan. The Kara-Kul (astrakhan fur) factory is well known internationally and supplies goods to other countries. Other than furs, Bukhara is also known for its ancient folk crafts especially embroideries in gold and silk. A TRIP to Bukhara will leave you feeling immersed and yet equally amazed with the exotic aura of the city.

The Khoresm Khanate was very famous in the fourth century, BC. It was a very powerful state. Fairy-tale like city Khiva has managed to retain its exotic image of an Oriental town in the older part of the city called Ichan-Kala.
Ichan-Kala is a place where all the monuments of architecture are located. Among them are the Kunya-Ark citadel and the Tash-Khauli Palace, residence of the Khan had been preserved intact along with its ornate gates.
Besides that, Ichan-Kala displays simplicity and monumentality of medieval architectural forms, the delicate of wood carvings and skilled interweaving of ornamentation. The silhouettes of its towering minarets, hemmed in by clay blit houses with their flat roofs and surrounded by the fortress's powerful clay built walls, give a clear idea of a typical Central Asian feudal city.

Billed as an"open air museum," H Khiva is about 2, 000 years old. J Here you'll find the Pakhlavan Makhmud mausoleum (1835), the Mukhammad Aminkhan madrasah (1855), the Palace Ensamble Kunia-Arki Jash Hauli (1841), and the Allakulikhana caravanserai
(1855). In fact, Khiva is made up of madrasahs, mosques and minarets such as the tall and beautiful Islam-Khodja minaret, plus having the most number of minarets in Asia, the most remarkable being the Kalta-Minor minaret (1835) and it is still standing. The Djuma Mosque which has an amazingly 218 ornate carved wooden columns is another of the main attractions.
Khiva's bazaar offers you the most colourful and vivid place. It is also here you'll get to taste the local rock melons, figs and grapes. Weekends see performances held by rope walkers and folk singers. And for those who loves antiquity, heritage an and splendid architectures, Khiva is a must.

Ferghana is situated at the southern part of the fertile Ferghana Valley. The Valley resembles that of an enormous bowl framed by mountain ridges. Having a milder climate gave Ferghana the edge to produce some very famous fruits and the luscious pomegranates that are tempting palates all over the world.
Ferghana was founded slightly over a century ago and is one of the modem centres in Uzbekistan. Besides the agricultural aspects, Ferghana is also famous for producing delicate hand painted pottery and glasses as gifts and souvenirs. It is also widely known for its local man-made fabric and is surrounded by cities and towns dating back to nearly one thousand years in history.
Situated 12 km from Ferghana, is Margelan city. This city was very famous for producing silks and carpets in olden days. The Margelan caravans would carry the silks and carpets through the Great Silk Road, Arab COUNTRIES and Europe. Today, Margelan has one of the country's largest silk mill targetted for international markets.
Ferghana is a green city with streets lined with shady plane trees, poplars and acacias and numerous parks and gardens with flower beds and fountains.
Besides silks, Ferghana is also well known for its lovely flora and fauna. Tourist visiting Ferghana can visit the mountain region of Shahimardon for some clean, cool fresh air. Many people in Ferghana like to spend their summer weekends in Khamzaabad town in Shahimardon. A narrow concrete stairway leads to a ledge on which stands the white mausoleum of Khamza Khakim-zade Niyazi, an outstanding Uzbek poet and dramatist.
Another tourist attraction is Kokand. The distance between Ferghana and this ancient city is 86 km. While on the way to Kokand, be sure to visit the ancient village of Ristan, famous for its hand painted blue pottery works. Their jugs, plates and teapots are made of a special kind of clay and it rings like a bell everytime at the flick of a finger.
You could also visit the nearby Andijan and Namangan areas. So, if you're ever tired of the bustling city life, Ferghana would be the ideal get-away for some peace and tranquility.

Full day tour includes the Khanatlas Silk factory at Marghilan, where you can see beautiful hand made ornaments and embroideries. We also visit the CENTRAL mosque & bazaar. Later tour Andijan, birthplace of Babur the founder of the Moghul dynasty that ruled India and built the Ta) Mahal, Shalimar Gardens and the many forts and palaces. We also visit the Babur Literary Museum.

This is the largest province in Uzbekistan-it has been named after the Black Hat People. It is an autonomous region and the people speak their own language, which is more closer to Turkic than Uzbek. It used to be part of the Khanate of Khiva and during the Soviet rule it was governed as part of Kazakstan. There are lots of camels and we get a thrilling, often painful, experience as we go into the desert on camelback.

A one-time capital of the Kokand Khanate, It was known for its very strong religious base and thus had over 35 medressas and hundreds of mosques. Kokand is a transit stop in our programs and we visit the museum-fort of the last Ruler-Khodayor Khan, Sahib Mian Hazrta Medressa and the Khamza Museum.

Records show of habitants dating back to at least ist century BC. A well-known place for trading, it offers a well-stocked and interesting bazaar. Our tour will also include the silk factories - where the famous Central Asian silks originate.

Timur Taragai Tamerlan was born in the village near this city. This city combined the modern and ancient, industry and crafts preserved in the monuments, dwellings and in architecture.
Ak-Sarai Palace - with only two pylons of the entrance arch and a small fragment of wall to survive, still they impress with the volume and height of the building.
The cave of Tamerlan is a fabulous natural and historical object.

Shahimardan village is situated 80 km to the South from Ferganain mountainous foot of Alaiskiy range at the bank of Shahimardan river. Plenty of picturesque villages and apple gardens are on the road from Ferganato Shahimardan.

Three kilometers up the road takes you to Kurban-kul lake, which considered to be a holly among Moslem people. You will be satisfied with small walks round the lake as well as panorama of the mountains.
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includes: visa support.
Not included: visa Uzbekistan, Kyrghyztan, license for ascent.



Day 1 Transfer from Bukhara to Nurata, which is situated in Kizil-kum desert takes about 3 hours (160km.). Excursion, lunch in National house. Then night at the Sentyabsai village, which is situated in Nuratinskiy range in river Sentyabsai's canyon.
Day 2 Transfer Aidarkul-Sentyabsai village (110 km). Here people mined gold may time ago. The way goes through along Nuratinskiy range with the highest point of 2169 m. Walks in picturesque canyon, not far from the village ruins of ancient settlement have been preserved. Overnight in tents camp at the bank of the river.
Day 3 Transfer to Samarkand (200 km).
Days 3
Season July - September
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
The price includes: visa support.
Not included: visa Uzbekistan, Kyrghyztan, license for ascent.

Winter vacations with the Heli-Ski Program in Western Tien-Shan mountains have become more and more popular with foreign mountain skiers.
Soft downy snow, thick snowy cover, sunny and warm weather are advantages Uzbekistan has over other more northern regions of Heli-Ski in the former USSR (Kyrgystan, Kazakhstan, Caucasus).

Basic region is in Western Tien - Shan mountains (120 km from Tashkent city). There is a comfortable mountaineering hut-hotel. There is shower, toilet in every room. There is also sauna, billiard hall, fireplace hall, bar, satellite TV, all necessary services (for 225 persons). Skiers are brought to the summits of Ugamsky, Pskemsky and Chatkalsky ridges (at the altitude of 3000-4000m above the sea level). Amplitude of descents is 1, 3-2 km; length of descent is 5-15 km. Usually skiers perform 4-8 descents. Time of flying by helicopter between hotel and point of disembarkation about 5-15 minutes. Daily time of flying from helicopter's base to hotel and back is 30 minutes. Possible night stop of helicopter near the hotel. Number of descents depends on tourists 15 persons. Tourists are accompanied by to guides.

Special equipment (skis, signal apparatus, first-aid outfit etc.) should be brought by tourists (or firm) themselves. Landing ground for helicopter is situated near hotel. The best time for Heli-Skiing is from February till May.

Day 1 Arrival in Tashkent, transfer, mountaineering hut (120 km), preparation, equipment, acclimatization
Day 2-9 Heli-skiing program.
Day 9 Return to Tashkent. Farewell party.
Day 10 Departure.
NOTES: The value of taking helicopter for a hour is 950$, that is not enclosed in tour's cost mentioned in price-list.
After sport program skiers usually perform 2-5 days excursions round ancient towns of Orient-Samarkand, Bukhara, Turkestan. Perhaps increasing or decreasing days Heli skiing program in according with desire of clients.

Days 10
Season July-September

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includes: visa support.
Not included: visa Uzbekistan, Kyrghyztan, license for ascent.

Historical places in Termes

1. Dalverzin Tepe – was once one of the most glorious Kushan cities of the age and an early capital for the Yue Chi Turkic tribes. Today only sunken remains of a Buddhist temple, Bactrian shrine and Zoroastrian altar remain, encased in a five-sided city wall between the modern towns of Denau and Shurchi, 180 km from Termez, toward Tajik border.

2. The Buddhist monastery complex of Kara Tepa is unique in Central Asia. Not only is it the only rock-hewn Buddhist cave complex in the region, and thus the main connecting thread between the Afghan sites of Haibak and Bamian and the sites of the far side of the Oxus, it is also the only monastery to lie behind an electrified fence in international no-man’s-land.

3. The Fayaz Tepa site, four km north of Termez consists of the archaeological remains of a two-millenniums old Buddhist temple and monastery complex, whose impact is perhaps more intellectual than visual. The large central courtyard, the heart of the Buddhist temple, is flanked to the west by the main living quarters of the monastery and to the east by the main refectory. The brick stupa to the north of the temple dates from the first century BC and is only inner section of a much larger construction that rose from the cross shaped foundations. Clay and gypsum statues of Buddha, a series of murals depicting various adorants in Kushan dress and fragment of pottery containing Brahmi, Punjabi, Kharoshti and Bactrian scripts have all been found on the site, underlining its essentially Eastern orientation. Remain have also been discovered of a two-kilometer aqueduct that supplied the monastery with water from the Amu Daria. The monastery was looted in the 5th century by Sassanid troops and later used as a burial ground and retreat for Sufic mystics of a rather different religious persuasion.

4. The trio of Buddhist archaeological memorabilia is completed by the sixteen meter high Zurmala Tower, situated five kilometers southeast of Termez and visible from main road. This sixteen-meter-high brick tower is the remnant of the largest Buddhist stupa in the area and is possibly the oldest construction still standing in Uzbekistan. Back to the third and fourth centuries AD, at the height of Buddhist influence, the base of the stupa would have been covered with white lime-stone slabs below red brick decoration and would have housed a collection of sacred Buddhist relics. Today, this former religious magnet lies lost in a deserted cotton field, torn by a huge, heart-rending crack.

5.Kampyr Tepa – the ruins of the fortress are situated 38 км from Termez on the right shore of the Amy Daria. The ruins of the citadel and unfortified settlement around it date from 3-2 century AD. Kampyr Tepa is one of the most studied site in Northern Bactria of Kushan period. Different finds, among them 4 treasures, are kept in the museum of Khamza Institute of Art in Tashkent.

Uzbek, the official landuage of the country, belongs to the TURK group. Russan remains the language of the interethnic communication.
The city of Tashkent with the population of 2. 7 million inhabitants.


Day 1 Transfer from Tashkent to Bishkek takes 9-10 hrs (600 km), it goes via big cities - Chimkent and Djambul. The most part of the way goes along the territory of Kazakstan. Closer to Bishkek grandiose mountains of Kirziskiy range appear with the summits covered by snow. Lunch on the way.
Day 2 SS in Bishkek visit of historical-architectural complex Buran’s Tower, situated 70 km from Bishkek; house-museum of Frunzer, historical museum, the museum of Arts, Ala-Too and Pobeda (Victory) Squares, Dubovoi and Panfilova Parks, bazaar.
Day 3 Transfer from Bishkek to Almata takes 4 hours (270 km). The road goes along Zaaminskiy Alatau range. Upon arrival in Almata checking in the hotel. SS, including visit park of 28 Panfilovtsev, wooden cathedral, St Nikolai church, museum of musical instruments.
Day 4 Visit high-mountainous skating rink Medeo and landslide-protective dam, situated in the mountains of Zailiiskiy Alatau at the altitude of 1690 m. Light walk and picnic. P. M. free time.
Day 5 Depart home.

Days 5
Season July - September

The price includes: visa support.
Not included: visa Uzbekistan, Kyrghyztan, license for ascent.


Our coach tour will immerse you deeply in the history around some of the most ancient towns of the world - Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva. World famous monuments of ancient architecture remember Alexander the Great and Chengiskhan.
Once there was the center of vast medieval Tamerlan’s Empire here.
Tourists will remember tall, thin minarets, grandiose madrassahs and mosques, palaces and mausoleums decorated with incredible ceramic ornaments, noisy and colorful oriental bazaars, interesting legends, warm hospitality and ancient traditions of local inhabitants for a long time.

Day 1 Arrival in Tashkent. Accommodation. Visiting the old city, Barak-Khan madrassah (XVI c.), Yunus-Khana mausoleum, Kaffal-al-Shashi mausoleum (XVI c.), Kukeldash madrassah (XVIII c.), museum of Applied Art, square of Independence, Friendship peoples square, metro, National Theatre of opera and ballet.
Day 2 Transfer by airplane to Urgench (Khiva). Sightseeing in Khiva. Visiting of Ichan-Kala, Mohammed Amin Khan Madrassah, The Kunya Ark (XVII c.), Pakhlavan Mahmud complex (XIV-XIX cc.), Islam Khodja madrassah & Minaret (1908), Jumma mosque (XV-XVIII cc.), Tash Hauli Palace (XVIII-XIX cc.), Bazar. Back to hotel in Urgench.
Day 3 Transfer by bus to Bukhara (500 km).
Day 4 Full day in Bukhara. Sightseeing in Bukhara. Visiting of Samanid's Mausoleum (IX-X c.), Chashma Aub mosque, Poi-Kalan complex (XII-XVI c.), Ulugbek madrassah, Lyabi-Hauz complex (XVI-XVII c.), Sitorai okhi (XIX c), Khosa summer palace, Bolo Hauz, Ark fortress.
Day 5 Transfer to Samarkand (300 km).
Day 6 Full day in Samarkand. Sightseeing in Samarkand. Visiting of Guri-Emir mausoleum (XV c.), Registan square (XVII c.), Bibi-Khanum cathedral mosque (XV c.), Ulugbek observatory (XV c.), Shakhi-Zinda mausoleums ensemble, Al-Bukhari complex, bazar.
Day 7 Transfer to Tashkent (300 km).
Day 8 Departure from Tashkent.
Days 8
Season 10. 07 - 10. 09
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
The price includes: all transfers, accommodation 3*** or 4**** stars hotel, full transfers, meals, guide/interpreter, entrance fees, air tickets Tashkent-Urgench, meals, excort and local guides.
Not included: visa to Uzbekistan, visa support.

On the spaces of Central Asia there are situated hundreds of architectural monuments of all epochs. Among them the famous ones as Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand. These towns for many hundred years fought against each other for the fame of capital. They were the centres of science and the art. The great architects created palaces, mosques and mausoleums. Many of those masterpieces didnot come to our days, but according to those, which preserved up to our days it is possible to resto - re the pages of far past..

Day 1 Arrival to Tashkent. Evening flight to Urgench. accommodation in hotel.
Day 2 One day excursion in a comfortable bus to Khiva. Visiting of architectural reservation of Ichan-Kala, mausoleum of Said Alouddinkhan and Pahlavon Mahmud. Back to Urgench
Day 3 Transfer from Urgench in the comfortable bus via Kizilkum desert to Bukhara (470km). accommodation in hotel.
Day 4 Full day in Bukhara. Excursion to ancient monuments like, ensemble Poyi-Kalon, mausoleum of Samanid's, Ark Fortress, complex of Boloi Hauz
Day 5 Early morning transfer from Bukhara to Samarkand (270km). accommodation in hotel. City excursion on the second half of the day to ancient monuments of Samarkand: Gur Emir mausoleum, Registan square, mosque and medresse of Bibikhanum and Shahi-Zinda ensemble.
Day 6 Breakfast. transfer from Samarkand to Shakhrisabz (160km. 4hours). Sightseeing. After lunch back to Samarkand. Hotel.
Day 7 Continuation of excursions, ancient town Afrasiab, Ulugbek Observatory, the museum of History of Uzbekistan. transfer on the second half of the day to Tashkent (300km. 5hours). accommodation in hotel.
Day 8 Flight back home.
Days 8
Season all year around
Min. group of 10-25 per
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
The price includes: all transfers, air tickets Tashkent - Urgench, accommodations in hotels, single and double rooms, meals 3 time a day, excort and local guides, foods, entrance fees in museums.
Not included: Visa Uzbekistan, visa supports.

Chimgan canyon and high-mountainous resort of the same name are situated 80 km to the West of Tashkent in West Tien-Shan mountains, on the slope of Bolshoi (Big) Chimgan (3309 m). The road goes by Chirchik river to this marvelous part of nature. Picturesque villages stretch one by one along the road, some of them alternate with fruit gardens and vineyards. Further the road is over at dam of Charvak hydroelectric power station and goes down to the water reservoir. Splendid views of artificial mountai - nous lake reveal on the way. The lake is chained of mountainous ranges and formed by three mountainous rivers: Pskem, Chatkal, and Aksu. Here you can go boating and surfing, swim and lay under the sun. Further up on Chimgan-sai you will get to Chimgan, situated at the altitude of 1500-1700 m above the sea level. It is the most popular place of rest. In winter it is skiing first of all, in summer - light walks, ascents and paragliding. By chair-ski lift you can rise to the altitude of 2000 m, wonderful panorama of the region reveals from this point. Here you can ride a house. After descent to the valley there will be a stop for picnic-lunch in a picturesque national cafe under millennial chinars (platans) View of rock paintings. After lunch return to Tashkent.

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includes: visa support.
Not included: visa Uzbekistan, Kyrghyztan, license for ascent.


Shahimardan village is situated 80 km to the South from Fergana in mountainous foot of Alaiskiy range at the bank of Shahimardan river. Plenty of picturesque villages and apple gardens are on the road from Fergana to Shahimardan.
Three kilometers up the road takes you to Kurban-kul lake, which is considered to be a holy among Moslem people. You will be satisfied with small walks round the lake as well as panorama of the mountains.

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
The price includes: all transfers, accommodation in hotels, single and double rooms, meals 3 time a day, excort and local guides, enteries fee to museum.
Not included: visa Uzbekistan, visa support and permites to border zone Termez.

Shahrisabz is the native city of Tamerlane. It is a small city, wallowing in verdure, is situated in the mountainous foot of Gissarskiy range, 130 km to the South from Samarkand. If you decide to make one-day TRIP on Sunday to Shahrisabz, stop in Jam-bazaar is possible. You will not see the modern trade rows. Everything is here as it was centuries ago. Here you can buy rugs with decoration, particular to this region. You will visit architectural monuments such as Ak-Sarai, Kok-Kumbaz mosque, Torut Tilovat Mausoleum, Dorus Siadat necropolis, associated with Amir Timur. You will find out many interesting facts about this cruel conquer. The road back to Samarkand is over Tahta-Karacha pass. Panorama revealing from this pass will remain forever in your memory. Lunch in a cafe"Thousands chinaras" (platan).
Season April - October

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
The price includes: accommodation, meals, guide, English-speaking interpreter, transfers by bus, entrance fee to Museums
Not included: Visa toUzbekistan, visa supports, sauna, horse riding.


Day 1 Meeting of the group in Tashkent. Accommodation. SS.
Day 2 Transfer to Samarkand (300 km. 5 hours). Accommodation.
Day 3 Breakfast. Full day excursion in Samarkand. Hotel.
Day 4 Breakfast. An excursion to Penjikent. Sightseeing. After lunch visit to bazaar. Back to Samarkand. Rest.
Day 5 Transfer to Bukhara (280km. 5 hours). Accommodation. Rest.
Day 6 Breakfast. Full day sightseeing. After lunch visit to Orient bazaar.
Day 7 Transfer to Mary via Uzbek/TURKMEN border Alat/Farab place. transfers to Mary through Charjev. Accommodation at the hotel"Sanjar".
Day 8 Breakfast. An excursion to the monuments of the ancient Merv & Museum of History.
Day 9 Breakfast. transfers to Ashgabat. Accommodation at the hotel. City tour & visit to the Museum of History.
Day 10 Breakfast. An excursion to the mosque in Anau & Ancient Nisa. An excurcion to the Museum of Turkmen Carpets.
Day 11 Breakfast. transfer to the airport. Departure. Or drive to the Custom guard at the Iran border for continued tour at the Iran country 11. oo - 12. oo.
Days 11
Season July - September
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
The price includes: all transfers, air tickets Tashkent-Urgench, accommodations in hotels, meals 3 time a day, excort and local guides, entrance fees in museums.
Not included: Visa Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, visa supports.

Gissar range is situated on the South side of mountainous country of Pamir-Alai. There're a number of paths and mountainous roads crossing the range. In the far Past the Great Temur (Tamerlan) was bred in the above region. The offered itinerary is connected with Temur's life. Cyclists will visit cave which he used as shelter to avoid his enemy, also they'll have a look at saved traces stayed after dinosaurs on the stone tails.


Day 1 An arrival in Tashkent the capital of Uzbekistan. Excursion on the city.
Day 2 Transfer by the bus in Samarkand, one of the most largest cities in the"Great Silk Way". Excursion on the city.
Day 3 Transfer by the special bus to the Lyangar village. accommodation in houses of local peoples. Sightseeing of Djami - Mosques (XVI c.) and mausoleum Lyangar - Ћt . Preparation to bicycle's route.
Day 4 a Beginning of bicycle's route. transfer over the moutain pass Kuduksara to the valley of"Igrisu" river. transfer along of the river to the mountain"Akkishlak" village. Camp # 1 in vicinities of village on the bank of"Aksasu" river.
Day 5 Transfer to the"Dukanhana" village. Ascent on the"Kyzykkhana" pass (2600¬). Camp # 2 on the mountain plateau near canyon of"Kolosai" river.
Day 6 In the first half of day walk excursion to the"Timur" (Tamirlan) cave. The cave is horizontal, length is near 600 ¬, with the lake. In the afternoon descent by bicycles from the mountaing pass to the valley of Kyzyl - Darya. Camp # 3 in the"Tashkurgan" village.
Day 7 Day of excursions. travelling by foot walk to traces of dinosaurs (29 clearly saving imprints of traces on the tilted stone lash). Return to the village. Sightseeing of ruined mosque"Almadina" (XVIIў). Acquaintanceship with peoples life of the village.
Day 8 Tens day. Ascent on the moutain pass on the good road. Descent to the"Tatar" village. Accommodation in houses of local peoples.
Day 9 Transfer to the Shahrizabz city a native land of Timur. Accommodation in the hotel. p. m. excursion on ancient monuments of city.
Day 10 Transfer by the bus in Tashkent city. Accommodation in the hotel.
Day 11 Departure from Tashkent.
Days 11
optimum group 6-12
Season July - September

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includes: visa support.
Not included: visa Uzbekistan, Kyrghyztan, license for ascent.


Day 1 Transfer from Bukhara (Samarkand) to Termez (390 km). The road goes via Guzar, Sherabad city along a big Uzbek highway. On this day you will see gigantic - one thousand year chinar (platan) and medical mineral spring in the settlement sairob. Upon arrival checking in the hotel.
Day 2 Sightseen includes visit necropolis of the founder of Dervish order"Khakimi" - saint Khakimi Thermezi of the 9th century, buddist monastery complex of Kara Tepe and mausoleum Fayaz Tepe, necropolis of the dynasty of Thermez rulers - Sultan-Saodat.
Day 3 Transfer to Samarkand (390 km). Lunch in Shahrisabz.
Days 3
Season July - September

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includes: all transfers, accommodation in hotels, single and double rooms, meals 3 time a day, excort and local guides, enteries fee to museum.
Not included: visa Uzbekistan, visa support and permites to border zone Termez.

Tajikistan map
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trekking in Fann mountain
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
National meal
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