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Elaborately woven, bright crimson carpets created by the delicate hands of nomadic tribal women have become the artistic symbol of Turkmenistan, a country of sweeping deserts which played a vital role in the history of the Silk Road Three centuries before Christ, the Parthian tribes of horsemen arrived to establish their capital in Turkmenistan at Nisa When their empire eventually encompassed much of Central Asia, the Parthians were a power which rivaled Rome From Nisa, the Parthians controlled the Silk Road and oasis settlements and trading centers like the region's harsh desert cities of Merv and Serakhs Ruins of these ancient sites, excavated and studied by international teams of archaeologists, can be visited and enjoyed today Turkmenistan later gained fame throughout Central Asia for producing the skilled and fierce nomadic tribes men who rode out on raids to seize the riches of the passing caravans These days more benign tribal customs such as hospitality are making Turkmenistan famous.

What to See
The Parthian Capital of Nisa dates from the 3rd century BC and was inhabi ted up until the 19th cen tury Diggings have revea led a grandiose architectu ral complex consisting of an extensive palace with ceremonial hall, treasure house and residences There are also ruins at nearby New Nisa
The Ancient City of Merv is one of the oldest inhabi ted sites in Central Asia At one point in its history, Merv was called"The Pearl of the East" Razed by the Mongols it was rebuilt over the centuries and today five distinct cities cover 130 square kilometers
Serakhs was a Silk Road oasis on the route from Nishapur in nearby Persia to Merv and was in its heyday from the 10th to 12th centuries Once known for its architectural wonders, Serakhs now boasts the mausoleums of Abul-Fazy, Yarti-Gumbez and Shiekh Lokman
Kunya-Urgench was the capital of old Khorezm, which in the 8th century was the largest indepen dent Muslim state in Central Asia At one point in its history the city was called Gurgenj and flourish ed as a stopover on the Silk Road artery to Russia Today, pre Mongol monu ments and ruins of mauso leums, minarets and fort resses attract visitors.

How to Get There
Turkmenistan's capital Ashgabat has regularly scheduled air links with London, Frankfurt, Moscow, Abu Dhabi New Delhi Karachi, Tehran, Istanbul and other regional foreign cities Tourists can also enter the country at the Caspian Sea port of Turkmenbashi Within Turkmenistan there is air service to provincial cities from the capital All Silk Road sites are served by air rail or road transport.

Where to Stay
There is a network of modern hotels around the country with nine five star establishments for 648 people, three four star hotels for 53 people and two two star hotels which can accommo date 91 people There are also more modest facilities Ashgabat's better hotels have conference facilities.

Other Important Sites
Mashad-Misrian, an ancient oasis and trading center on the Khorezm-Persia route, is now a jumble of ruins of fortress walls and towers, mos ques, mausoleums and minarets Recently discovered remains of three caravanserais from the 11th to 12th centuries attest to the city's mercan tile past
Annau Fortress is near the capital and boasts 15th century ruins
The Medieval City of Abiverd was an important trading post from the 5th to the 7th centuries
Daja-Khatm Caravanserai is a remarkable structure dating from the 13th century
Amul Fortress dates from the 15th century and is located near Chard) ev
The Ancient Settlement of Parau is centred around Kizil-Arvat

The Republic of TURKMENISTAN occupying over 717, 300 sq. km, is the Turkmenistan lies in the very center of the Central Asia. This Location predetermined historically its great geopolitical importence on the major transasian lines of communication between the East and the West. Turkmenistan border with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iran and Afganistan.

Turkmenistan covering vast territory is notable for the extremely diverse relief: from high snowy mountains to steppes, semidesert and desert. The lowest place in the World, situated in the West.

Climate of Turkmenistan is sharp continental.

Turkmenistan is a multinational state. There are over 5 million inhabitans in Turkmenistan today. Turkmen make 48%, Russia 30%, other nationalities (over 100) 22%.

Turkmen and Russia, the official landuage of the country, belongs to the TURK group. Russan remains the language of the interethnic communication.
Multinationality of the state determines a divirsity of religions. The main ones are Islam & Christianity.

The city of ASHGABAD with the population of 600 thousands is the capital of Turkmenistan. Ashgabad was founded as a Russia garrison town three days after the killing of 20000 Turkmens at GeokTeppe in 1881, and was hit by earthqake's in 1893, 1895 and 1929. In 1948 the earthquake completely destroed the city and killed 110, 000.


Day 1 Meeting of the group at the Iran border from 11. oo - 12. oo. transfers to Ashgabat. Accommodation at the hotel. City tour & visit to the Museum of History.
Day 2 Breakfast. An excursion to the ancient city Nisa & Museum of History. Removal to Mary. Accommodation at the hotel"Sanjar".
Day 3 Breakfast. An excursion to the monuments of the ancient Merv & Museum of History.
Day 4 Breakfast. transfers to Mary - Charjev -Farab Uzbekistan border 13-oo - 14. oo After go to Bukhara.
Days 4

Season July - September

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includes: all transfers, accommodation in hotels, single and double rooms, meals 3 time a day, excort and local guides, etrance fee to museums, and etc.
Not included: visa Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, visa supports.


From Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirgizstan till Kazakhstan.
Day 1 Arrival in airport of the Ashgabad (or Meeting of the group at the Iran border"Gaudar/Badjigiran" from 11. oo-12. 00, removal to Ashgabad), Accommodation at the Hotel. Excursion to the Museum of History.
Day 2 Breakfast. An excursion to the ancient city Nisa & Museum of History. Then go to Mary ( km. hours). Accommodation at the hotel"Sanjar".
Day 3 Breakfast. An excursion to the monuments of the ancient Merv & Mu - seum of History. Back to Mary. Hotel.
Day 4 Breakfast. transfer to Bukhara via Cherjev-Farab. Accommodation.
Day 5 Breakfast. Full day excursion in Bukhara. Hotel.
Day 6 Transfer to Samarkand ( 280 km. 5 hours). Accommodation. Rest.
Day 7 Breakfast. Full day excursions in Samarkand. Bazaar. Hotel.
Day 8 Breakfast. An excursion to the Penjikent (60km. 1. 5hours). Lunch. After lunch visit to bazaar. Back to Samarkand. Hotel.
Day 9 Transfer to Tashkent (300 km. 5hours). accommodation. Rest.
Day 10 Breakfast. An excursion in Tashkent, back to hotel. Reast.
Day 11 Transfer from Tashkent to Bishkek takes 9-10 hrs (560 km), it goes via big cities - Chimkent and Djambul. The most part of the way goes along the territory of Kazakhstan. Closer to Bishkek grandiose mountains of Kirziskiy range appear with the summits covered by snow. Lunch on the way.
Day 12 Sightseeing in Bishkek visit of historical-architectural complex Burana Tower, situated 70 km from Bishkek; house-museum of Frunzer, historical museum, the museum of Arts, Ala-Too and Pobeda (Victory) Squares, Dubovoi and Panfilova Parks, bazaar.
Day 13 Transfer from Bishkek to Almaty takes 4 hours (270 km). The road goes along Zaaminskiy Alatau range. Upon arrival in Almaty checking in the hotel. Sightseeing, including visit park of 28 Panfilovtsev, wooden cathedral, St Nikolai church, museum of musical instruments.
Day 14 Visit high-mountainous skating rink Medeo and landslide-protective dam, situated in the mountains of Zailiiskiy Alatau at the altitude of 1690 m. Light walk and picnic. P. M. free time.
Day 15 Departure from Almaty.
Days 15
Season April - October

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includes: all transfers, accommodations in hotels, sngle and double rooms, meals 3 time a day, excort and local guides, antrance fees of the museums all count - ries Central Asia, guide/interpreter, full board,

Not included: visa Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghyztan, Kazakh - stan, singl supplement, transport with a/c*, concert & other services - pays additionally, visa supports.

One day TRIP to ancient Nisa and Baharden
Ruins of ancient Nisa are situated 15 km from Ashgabad in mountainous foot of Kopet-dag, seat of the Parthian Kings from the Gate of the third century BC to the early third century AD. At the height of its tower Nisa was the capital of an empire street chinyWest as far as Irag and Syria.
Then transfer to the East (70 km) to Firyuza Gorge, former Royal hunting reserve. Walk to hot springs and visit a cave in Bacharden place. Sigtseeing to the cave with a large mineral lake. After picnic-lunch transfer to Ashagabad.

The price includes: all transfers, accommodations in hotels, single and double rooms, meals 3 time a day, antrance fees of the museums all count - ries Central Asia, guide/interpreter, full board, excort and local guides.
Not included: visa Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghyztan, Kazakh - stan, singl supplement, transport with a/c*, concert & other services - pays additionally, visa supports


Day 1 Transfer for SS to Kunay-Urgench (180 km). Short stop at Uzbek-Turkmen border at Tashauz takes 30-40 minutes. You will get acquainted with the history of ancient capital Kunay-Urgench and Gurganj state, visit monuments, such as Turabek Khanum mausoleum, Sultan Tekesh mausoleum and Il Arshan Tomb, the highest minaret Kutlug Timur (62 m). After lunch transfer back to Tashauz (100 km) for evening flight to Ashgabad. Upon arrival transfer to the hotel.
Day 2 Early in the morning SS to Sunday bazaar near Ashgabad, it is famous for its hand made carpets. After lunch SS in the city with visit of the museum of History and Arts.
Day 3 Early in the morning transfer to Mary (380 km). After lunch SS to ancient Merv, situated 15 km to the North from Mary. Ancient Merv occupies 130 square km and includes five different towns, surrounded by the walls, belonged to five different epochs. The most ancient - Erk Kala, belonged to the 6th century B. C. You will visit unique Sultan Sanjar mausoleum, 38 metered dome, which was said to be visible a day's march away and also mausoleum Mahammed Ibn Said and ruins of Kys Kala palace.
Day 4 Transfer to Bukhara. The road goes through the sands of Kara-Kum. On this day you will cross one of the greatest rivers of Central Asia-Amu -Dariay (Oxus) by panton bridge. Arrival in Bukhara in the evening.
Days 4
Season April - October

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includesall transfers, accommodations in hotels, single and double rooms, meals, 3 time a day, excort guide, English-speaking inter-preter, transfers by bus,, portage, entrance fee to Museums.
Not included: Visa to Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, visa supports.


Day 1 Meeting of the group at city airport in Ashgabat. Accommodation at the hotel. An excursion to the ancient city Nisa & city tour.
Day 2 Breakfast. An excursion to the mosque in Anau & Museum of Turkmen Carpets, Museum of History & Fine Arts.
Day 3 Breakfast. transfers to Mary. Accommodation at the hotel"Sanjar". An excursion to the monuments of the ancient Merv.
Day 4 Breakfast. An excursion to the Museum of History (the best in Turkmenistan). transfers to Mary Chardjev - Farab on the Uzbekistan border.
Days 4
Season July - September

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includes: all transfers, accommodation in hotel single and double rooms, meals 3 time a day, excort and local guides, etrance fee to museums, and etc..
Not included: visa Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, visa supports.


Day 1 Meeting of the group at city airport in Ashgabat. Accommodation at the hotel. An excursion to the ancient city Nisa & city tour.
Day 2 Breakfast. An excursion to the mosque in Anau & Museum of Turkmen Carpets, Museum of History & Fine Arts.
Day 3 Breakfast. trahsfers to Mary. Accommodation at the hotel"Sanjar". An excurcion to the monuments of the ancient Merv.
Day 4 Breakfast. An excursion to the Museum of History (the best in Turkmenistan). transfers to Mary Chardjev - Farab on the Uzbekistan border. Then transfer to Bukhara. accommodation. Rest.
Day 5 Breakfast. Full day excursions in Bukhara. Back to hotel.
Day 6 Transfer to Samarkand (280 km. 5 hours). Accommodation.
Day 7 Breakfast. Sightseeing. After lunch visit to bazaar. Rest.
Day 8 Breakfast. An excursion to Penjikent (70km. 1. 5hours). Sightseeing. After lunch back to Samarkand. Hotel. Rest.
Day 9 Transfer to Tashkent (300km. 5 hours). Accommodation. Sightseeing.
Day 10 Departure from Tashkent.
Days 10
Season July - September

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includesall transfers, accommodations in hotels, single and double rooms, meals, 3 time a day, excort guide, English-speaking inter-preter, transfers by bus,, portage, entrance fee to Museums.
Not included: Visa to Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, visa supports.


Day 1 Meeting of the group at the Uzbekistan border Alat/Farab place. transfers to Mary through Charjev. Accommodation at the hotel "Sanjar".
Day 2 Breakfast. An excursion to the monuments of the ancient Merv & Museum of History.
Day 3 Breakfast. transfers to Ashgabat. Accommodation at the hotel. City tour & visit to the Museum of History.
Day 4 Breakfast. An excursion to the mosque in Anau & Ancient Nisa. An excursion to the Museum of Turkmen Carpets.
Day 5 Breakfast. transfer to The airport. Departure. Or drive to the Custom guard at the Iran border for continued tour at the Iran country 11. oo - 12. oo.
Days 5
Season July - September

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includes: all transfers, accommodation in hotels, single and double rooms, meals 3 time a day, excort and local guides, etrance fee to museums, and etc.

Not included: visa Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, visa supports.

From Turkmenistan to Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,
Kyrghyzstan and Kazakhstan

Day 1 Arrival in airport of the Ashgabad (or Meeting of the group at the Iran border"Gaudar/Badjigiran" from 11. oo-12. 00, removal to Ashgabad), Accommodation at the Hotel. Excursion to the Museum of History.
Day 2 Breakfast. An excursion to the ancient city Nisa & Museum of History. Then go to Mary ( km. hours). Accommodation at the hotel"Sanjar".
Day 3 Excursion to the famous waterfalls of Arslonbob. After the dinner a passage to the valley of Karaunkur river. Camping on the bank of river.
Day 4 Breakfast. transfer to Bukhara via Cherjev-Farab. Accommodation.
Day 5 Breakfast. Full day excursion in Bukhara. Hotel.
Day 6 Transfer to Samarkand ( 280 km. 5 hours). Accommodation. Rest.
Day 7 Breakfast. Full day excursions in Samarkand. Bazaar. Hotel.
Day 8 Breakfast. An excursion to the Penjikent (60km. 1. 5hours). Lunch. After lunch visit to bazaar. Back to Samarkand. Hotel.
Day 9 Transfer to Tashkent (300 km. 5hours). accommodation. Rest.
Day 10 Breakfast. An excursion in Tashkent, back to hotel. Rest.
Day 11 Transfer from Tashkent to Bishkek takes 9-10 hrs (560 km), it goes via big cities - Chimkent and Djambul. The most part of the way goes along the territory of Kazakhstan. Closer to Bishkek grandiose mountains of Kirziskiy range appear with the summits covered by snow. Lunch on the way.
Day 12 Sightseeing in Bishkek visit of historical-architectural complex Burana Tower, situated 70 km from Bishkek; house-museum of Frunzer, historical museum, the museum of Arts, Ala-Too and Pobeda (Victory) Squares, Dubovoi and Panfilova Parks, bazaar.
Day 13 Transfer from Bishkek to Almaty takes 4 hours (270 km). The road goes along Zaaminskiy Alatau range. Upon arrival in Almaty checking in the hotel. Sightseeing, including visit park of 28 Panfilovtsev, wooden cathedral, St Nikolai church, museum of musical instruments.
Day 14 Visit high-mountainous skating rink Medeo and landslide-protective dam, situated in the mountains of Zailiiskiy Alatau at the altitude of 1690 m. Light walk and picnic. P. M. free time.
Day 15 Departure from Almaty.
Days 15
Season July - September

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includes: all transfers, accommodations in hotels, single and double rooms, meals 3 time a day, antrance fees of the museums all count - ries Central Asia, guide/interpreter, full board, excort and local guides.

Not included: visa Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghyztan, Kazakh - stan, singl supplement, transport with a/c*, concert & other services - pays additionally, visa supports.

Kunya-Urgench - the ancient capital of Khorezmit. Is situated 160 km to the North-West from Urgench (Khiva) on the territory of Turkmenistan. On the way stop at the border at 5 km from Tashauz for drawing up visa.
You will get acquainted with centuries-old history of Gurganj and will see historical monuments of the 12-14th centuries, such as Turabek Khanum Mausoleum, Sultan Tekkes Mausoleum, Arshan Tomb, the highest minaret Kutlug Timur (62 meters).

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 15-19 20-25 25 -..
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

The price includes: all transfers, meals, excort and local guides, enteries fee to museum.

Tajikistan map
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trekking in Fann mountain
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