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List of archaeological monuments of VII-XV cc. Hissar Fortress VI BC - XIX AC



Was the central town of Hissar valley, named in manuscripts as History Shodmon. Hissar Fortress and the town had been settled from VI BC to mid of XIX. It was main administrative, political and economical centres of Hissar valley. The total area is 28 ha, surrounded by one defensive wall.

Fortress-citadel consists of three parts and is located on the natural hill. Hissar fortress from the epoch of Timur and Timurids was considered as the center of Eastern Bukhara, where the representative of Tsar dynasty (son or brother of Bukhara Ruler) was in reign.


Finding from Hissar, Ceramic ware III BC. - III-IV AC. IX-XII AC

                                                          Hissar fortress

Hissar panoramic

On the basis of revealed and reconstructed architectural monuments in 1978, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan has organised a Hissar historical and cultural preserve. Materials are kept in the fund of Institute of History at Academy of Sciences, Republic of Tajikistan and Hissar historical and cultural preserve. Researchers: M.M. Dyakanov (1946-1948), S.M. Andreev (1924), B.A. Litvinsky (1960-1961).

Mausoleum Mahdudi Azam ,XI, XII, XVI centuries

It is located in Hissar historical cultural preserve. It consists by plan of three cupola premises, overlooking the sides of the world. It is constructed of burnt bricks on ganch grout. The most ancient element is small dome space - gurhona in the shape of "chortok" with four arches. It was constructed in XI century. In XI-XII, to the south of of Gurhona, the Zierathona is added with the common central axis. In XVI, one more gurhona is constructed, by plan it is cruciform with the additional portal to the west. Mausoleum is restorated in 1990; It will host a museum of the history of Islam in Hissar historical cultural conservation.

Researchers: A. Andreev (1925), E.A. Davidovich, A.M. Muhtarov (1965), T. M. Atahanov (1971).

Cupola mosque Sangin, XII, XVI centuries.

It is situated in Hissar historical-cultural conservation. The mosque Sangin is of central cupola mosques type. The main area of premises of khonako is surrounded by the open arch gallery from two sides. Under-cupola premise of khonako is of cruciform composition, formed by deep arch niches along the sides of the under cupola square. On the level of under cupola constructions four re-sounders are fixed in the shape of ceramic vases without bottom, immured into the brickwork for strengthening the acoustics. Originally the mosque was building in XI-XII as central cupola building "chortok". In XV-XVI the arch gallery from the south and east parts was added. The walls to half are made of stone, and the constructive part of... and cupola are made of burnt brick, that's why it's called "stone mosque".

Researchers: E. Gulomova (1965), E.A. Davidovich, A.M. Mukhtarov (1965 ), R.S. Mukimov, P.T. Samoilik (1989-1991) From 1989 the renovation is ongoing.





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