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About the Republic of Tajikistan  

       The Republic of Tajikistan is not large, occupying an area of 143 thousand square kilometers(350 km from north to south, and 700 km from west to east).The more than 6 million population of Tajikistan is ethnically diverse. While Tajiks comprise  more than 70% of the population, almost 70 other nationalities live in Tajikistan. These nationalities include Uzbeks, Russians, Kyrghyz, Tatars, and Ukrainians among others. The state language of the country is Tajik and Russian also used for documentary as well. More than 90% of the population is Muslim. The people are known for their industrious nature, settled way of life, devotion to family, children, native land and home. They are very hospitable, kind-hearted, friendly and respect their customs and traditions. Life in an area situated at the main crossroads of eastern civilization has given them continuous  access to the achievements of other cultures. The first settlement on the territory of today's Tajikistan date back to the end of upper Paleolithic period(15-20 thousand years ago)Archeological finds, the works of Herodotus and other written evidence provide information on trading relations, customs, and the rituals of the nation. For many centuries the country, involved mainly in trading with neighbors suffered from foreign invasions by the troops of Alexander the Great, steppe nomads, Arabs and Tartar-Mongols.

    The first Tajik sate emerged in 892,getting independent from Arab Khalif.  The development which began in the Samanid Epoch, was characterized by the restoration and fortification of

warraveged cities and greater attention to the culture, art and architecture. Samanid state brought to the world the most famous scientists and philosophers - Abu Ali Ibn Sina(Avicenna), Tajiks also venerate Firdousi, a poet and composer of the Shah-nameh (Book of Kings),the persian national epic, and Omar Khaiyam.


       Tajikistan is an ancient state situated in the south-east of Central Asia. Uzbekistan and the Kyrgyz Republic lie to the west and north, China and Afghanistan to the east and south.

Area:  total: 143,100 sq km           land: 142,700 sq km              water: 400 sq km

Land boundaries:  total: 3,651 km                                                                                           border countries: China 414km, Afghanistan1,206 km,Kyrgyzstan 870 km,Uzbekistan1,161km


        If yetis exist, they exist in Tajikistan.  Nine tenths of this untamed frontiers land is mountain. Half of it, including nearly 10,000 square km. of glacier, is over 3000 m. high, the domain of the yak, the eagle, the snow leopard and, mountain-dwellers solemnly attest, the abominable snowman. Tajiks are of Indo-European rather than Altaic stock, and there language is Persian, not Turkic.

      Tajikistan is an ancient state situated in the south-east of Central Asia, approximately at the same latitudes as Greece, Southern Italy, Spain, central Japan and Washington DC. Uzbekistan and the Kyrgyz Republic lie to the west and north, China and Afghanistan to the east and south.

      The Republic of Tajikistan is not large, occupying an area of 143 thousand square kilometers.  The 6 million population of Tajikistan is ethnically diverse. The people are notable for their industrious nature, settled way of life, devotion to family, children, native land and home. They are very kind-hearted, friendly, and revere their customs and traditions.

      The capital of the country is Dushanbe, situated in the center of the Hissar valley, at the cross road of caravan paths, it was famous for its boisterous Monday bazaars (hence its name Dushanbe, which means Monday in Tajik). Dushanbe is situated at the confluence of two rivers, the Varzob and the Kofarnihon.


      The Tajiks are one of the most  ancient peoples of the world. Life in an area situated at the main crossroads of eastern civilization has given them continuous access to the achievements of other cultures. The first settlement on the territory of today’s Tajikistan date back to the end of upper Paleolithic  period (15-20 thousand years ago). Archaeological finds, the works of Herodotus and other written evidences provide information on trading relations, customs, and rituals of the nation. For many centuries the country, involved mainly in trading with neighbors suffered from foreign invasions by the troops of Alexander the Great, steppe nomads, Arabs and Tartar-Mongols.


      The first Tajik  state emerged in 892, providing independence from the Arab Khalif. The development which began in the Samanid’s epoch, was characterized by the restoration and fortification of war-ravaged cities and greater attention to culture, art and architecture.  Samanid state brought to the world the most famous scientists and philosophers - Abu Ali ibn-Sina ( known in the west as Avicenna). Tajiks also venerate Firdausi, a poet and composer of the «Shah-nameh» (Book of Kings), the Pershian national epic, and Omar Khayyam.

       Tajikistan is remarkable for its variety and contrasting nature conditions. It is determined by it’s being far from oceans in the zone of Euroasia and mountainous  relief. In summer the temperature is 30-40 degrees above zero in the plains and in winter time  it is  8-10 degrees below zero but in mountain area is cold. Nearly the half of territory of Tajikistan is occupied by the highest mountains of Central Asia - the Pamirs where there are the biggest mountain chains of Asia - Karakorum, Kuenlun and Hidukosh. The Pamirs is called the “Roof of the World” because some of its peaks rise to a height of more than seven thousand meters above sea level.   The snow-caped Peak Ismoil Somoni ( former peak “Communism”) reaches height of 7495 meters.

      The climate of Tajikistan is very different. Its subtropical in low valleys, it is temperate in middle circles of moutains and cold in high moutains. Rugged and mountainous, Tajikistan sits at the heart of Central Asia with China to the east and the Indian sub-continent to the south. Three major Silk Road routes ran through its present day territory. These  three routes were the Sogdian, or North Road, which connected Samarkand and Kashgar (China); the Karategin Road between Termez (Uzbekistan) and Kashgar; and the Pamir Road linking Balkh (Afganistan) and Tashkurgan (China).


The Pamirs is called the "Roof of the World", because some of it's peaks rise to a height of 7495 ms above sea level. It is the peak of Ismoil Somoni. There is also the highest mountain salty lake Karakul and the biggest ice-glacier Fedchenko (65 km).


     The climate of Tajikistan is very different. It is subtropical in low valleys, it is temperate in middle circles of mountains and cold in high mountains. For that reason, it is possible to grow most sun loving cultures(including citric plants)and get 2-3 harvests per year. In high mountains of Tajikistan there are great supplies of ice and snow.Tajikistan is also rich of lakes. Among them the famous - Iskanderkul named after Alexander the Great, lake - "Seven bellies" of Fann mountains.


      Rugged and mountainous, Tajikistan sits at the heart of Central Asia with China to the east and the Indian sub-continent to the south. Three major Silk Road routes ran through it's present day territory. These three routes were the Sogdian, or the North Road, which connected Samarkand and Kashgar(China);the Karategin Road between Termez(Uzbekistan), and Kashgar; and the Pamir Road linking Balkh (Afghanistan) and Tashkurgan (China). 


     The official national holidays which celebrated in Tajikistan are the following: 

1st          January

The New year

8th          March

International Mother’s Day

21st         March

Navruz National holiday New Year

9th          May

Victory Day

22nd       July

Tajik language’s day

9th          September

The Independence Day

22-23rd  September

Idi Mehrgon-day of autumnal equinox

6th          November

Constitution Day

Also every year Tajiks celebrate the religious holidays such as Idi Ramazon, Idi Kurbon. 

    The Tajik national food is very different and delicious. Some of the most popular dishes which you may taste in every restaurant, dinning-room and east Bazaar are shurpo, osh (palav), lagman, mantu, kurutob, shakarob, sikh-kabob.





          DUSHANBE - is the capital of the republic of Tajikistan    with the population of   more than 600 thousand peoples and majoring  more than twenty embassies of foreign countries.

        At the beginning of XX cc., Dushanbe was a small village 500 clay houses. Situated in the centre of the Hissar valley, at the cross road of caravan paths, it was famous for it's picturesque Monday bazaars(Dushanbe means Monday in Tajiks).The capital is situated at the confluence of two rivers, the Varzob and the Kofarnihon. The city is multinational and present time is considered to be the scientific, cultural and industrial developed centre of the  country. There are museums ,theatres, universities, hotels and around the city there were preserved some ancient historical monuments like Hissar fortress and etc.....

        The Hissar Historic and Cultural Reserve located near the capital Dushanbe is a fascinating archaeological complex which scholars say dates from the 25th century. Several mosques, a caravansaray, medresse and a mausoleum have all been excavated and are on display.

        In ancient times such towns as Bukhara, Samarkand, Penjikent were    the centers of the development of Zoroastrian culture. After the invasion of Arabians Zoroaster’s collapsed into pieces to Zerafshan and  Pamir. Ancient towns of Great Silk Road as Khujand, Penjikent, Istaravshan, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva,  Merv, Osh were the places of vital, economic

interests of many countries of the world. This part of the world was the crossroads of caravan roads connecting North-South, East-West, and they  led to China, India, Rome and to Europe. So, there are 22 cities and towns in Tajikistan. Cities such as Khujand (Alexandria Eskhata),Uroteppa (Ustrushana) and Penjikent are among the most ancient settlements in the east.



        Central Asia was also the field of battles, where Alexander the  Great with his troops entered through the west and invaded almost  the whole Central Asia. The last bulwark of Alexander the Great was Khujand. The age of the ancient town Khujand is 2500 years and in the times of Greek’s invasion it was called "Alexandria Eskhata".

        From the east there was the invasion of Chingizkhan. The troops of  Tatar-Mongol hordes for a long time stayed at the gates of Khujand,  and the ruler of the town XII cc., Temurmalik kept  the fortress of  the town for a long. One can see the ruins of that fortress in our times as the symbol of heroism. At it's height, the city was a renewed religious centre and today the magnificent citadel, mausoleum of Sheikh Muslihiddin and an XVIII-cc., mosque are among the monuments which attract visitors.       

      Geographically Khujand is situated along the picturesque river  of Sirdarya, on both it's banks and is called "The Gates of Fergana Valley".

      Today Khujand is the developed scientific, cultural and economic  centre of Northern Tajikistan. There preserved also some ancient monuments of history, religion and the culture. 


Shirkent Dinozaurs
Tahti sangin


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