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From Turkmenistan to Uzbekistan,Tajikistan, Kirgizstan and Kazakhstan.


 Central Asia Silk Road Tours  01.

Day  1 -  Arrival in airport of the Ashgabad (or Meeting of the group at the Iran border 

                   "Gaudar/Badjigiran" from 11.oo-12.00, removal to Ashgabad),Accommodation at the Hotel. 

                    Excursion to the Museum of History.

Day  2 -  Breakfast. An excursion to the ancient city Nisa & Museum of history.

                    Then go to Mary(   km. hours). Accommodation at the hotel "Sanjar".

 Day  3 -  Breakfast. An excursion to the monuments of the ancient Merv & Mu          seum of History.

                     Back to Mary. Hotel.

 Day  4 -  Breakfast. Transfer to Boukhara via Cherjev-Farab.Accommodation.

 Day  5 -  Breakfast. Full day excursion in Boukhara.Hotel.

 Day  6 - Transfer to Samarkand ( 280 km. 5 hours).Accommodation.Rest.

 Day  7 -  Breakfast. Full day excursions in Samarkand.Bazaar.Hotel.

 Day  8 -  Breakfast. An excursion to the Penjikent (60km.1.5hours).Lunch.

                    After lunch visit to bazaar. Back to Samarkand. Hotel.

 Day  9 -  Transfer to Tashkent (300 km.5hours).Accomodation. Rest.

 Day 10 - Breakfast. An excursion in Tashkent, back to hotel.Reast.

Day 11 - Transfer from Tashkent to Bishkek takes 9-10 hrs (560 km),it goes via

                     big cities- Chimkent and Djambul. The most part of the way goes along

                     the territory of Kazakstan. Closer to Bishkek  grandiose mountains of

                     Kirziskiy range appear with the summits covered by snow. Lunch on the way.

Day 12 - Sightseeing in Bishkek visit of historical-architectural complex

                     Burana Tower, situated 70 km from Bishkek; house-museum of Frunzer,

                     historical museum, the museum of Arts, Ala-Too and Pobeda (Victory)

                     Squares, Dubovoi and  Panfilova Parks, bazaar.

Day 13 - Transfer from Bishkek to Almaty takes 4 hours (270 km). The road goes

                     along Zaaminskiy Alatau range. Upon arrival in Almaty checking in the

                     hotel. Sightseeing, including visit park of 28 Panfilovtsev, wooden

                     cathedral, St Nikolai church, museum of musical instruments.

 Day 14 - Visit high-mountainous skating rink Medeo and landslide-protective

                     dam, situated in the mountains of Zailiiskiy Alatau at the altitude of

                     1690 m. Light walk and picnic. P.M. free time.

 Day 15 - Departure from Almaty.







10-14 +1free













The price includes: visa supports, entrance fees of the museums all countries Central Asia, 
 Escort guide/interpreter, full board, all transfers, all accommodations;

    Not included: visa Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghyzstan, Kazakhstan, single 

                                    supplement, transport with a/c*, concert & other services - pays additionally.

 The program includes:  all transfers, accommodation in hotels, guest houses,

                                               in mountain in the base camp, tent and private  house, escort 

                                               guide, mountain guide, interpreter, cooks, sherpa, (donkey with   

                                               donkey men’s),  we take in mountain from each tourist 12 kg 

                                               language, SS, entries fees, foods, meals 3 time a day.
Not includes: Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz - visa - 50 $ per/per, 

                                               visa support - 30 $ per/per, mountain permits in Tajikistan - 50

                                               $ per/per,  ecological  fees - 1  $ per/per/day.

                                          Border permits for Pamir – 50 $ p/p

                                          high mountain fees  in Kyrghyzstan - 30 $ per/per




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